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Hazards and Risks

Meetings Details
- 13-16 March 2023
- Beersheva, Israel
Participating Institutions
• German Israeli Foundation (GIF)
• Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
• Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
• Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU)
• Hebrew University Jerusalem (HUJI)
• Helmholtz Association Tel Aviv Office
Hazards and Risks
Our society is more and more confronted with natural and anthropogenic-induced hazards and risks on the environment, which have a tremendous impact. GFZ and UFZ develop and provide application-oriented knowledge required to tackle these challenges. The thematic scope is broad. Hazards include, for example, seismic or volcanic hazards, hazards caused by geomagnetic storms, energetic radiations, extreme weather or hydrological events, such as flash floods, heatwaves, and droughts.
The Hazard and Risk theme does not stand alone but needs a more holistic and inter- and even transdisciplinary approach. To tackle the associated societal dimensions “out of the box” thinking and new approaches are needed. We are committed to support young scientists in their search for novel approaches and to involve and train young scientists in transdisciplinary and cutting-edge research.
Cooperation with Israel Research Institutions at GFZ and UFZ
Cooperation with science institutions in Israel has a long tradition at GFZ and UFZ, notably research linked to the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, the groundwater resources, and paleoclimate. But research landscapes both in Israel and Germany are changing, and the Covid restrictions over the last two years have led to a setback of mutual exchange and discussions.
Objectives of the Initiative
The aim of the program is to enable new research collaborations and strengthen existing ones, foster knowledge exchange, and explore new or emerging research topics in the broad field of hazards and risks.
For the participants: Gain interdisciplinary experience and bridge domains, learn new skills
and expand your research portfolio.
For the participating institutions: Benefit from fresh ideas and methods and build collaborations with your German/Israeli research partner.