Reviewers & Review Process
Scientific Review Process of Research Proposals
Pre-proposal evaluation process
The pre-proposals are evaluated by GIF Scientific Advisory Panels.
Read MoreSeveral panels are established for each submission cycle.
Each pre-proposal is assigned to a Panel and to a Scientific Advisor.
In case a conflict of interest arises, the relevant advisor does not participate in the review of a given pre-proposal.
The applicants of the pre-proposals with the highest scientific merit are invited to submit a full proposal.
GIF notifies all applicants and their research authorities about the decisions regarding their pre-proposal.
Applicants who are not invited to submit a full proposal receive an email with the Scientific Advisory Panel’s justification for the decision.
GIF send invitation emails to submit a Full Proposal to the relevant applicants and their institutions (RA).
The decisions of the GIF Scientific Advisory Panels are final and not subject to change.
Full-Proposal evaluation process
Full proposals undergo an international peer-review process, monitored by GIF Scientific Advisory Panels.
Read MoreReviewers will be invited to evaluate proposals based on the following sources:
- Advisors
- Applicants
- Data mining by GIF staff
- Along the review process, potential reviewers are also suggested by another reviewer
The advisor to whom the proposal was assigned to (at the pre-proposal stage) also escorts the full proposal and decides which of the reviewers should be solicited.
The review process is handled and manage by GIF.
The reviewers provide detailed evaluations of the full proposals, following the same evaluation criteria and weighting as the pre-proposals.
Number of written evaluations required: 3 in the collaborative track, 2 in the solo track.
The scientific advisory panels discuss all proposals, grade and rank them according to the scientific merit, and prepare their recommendations to the members of the GIF Scientific Council.
Funding decisions are made by the members of the GIF Scientific Council
The members of the GIF Scientific Council receive access to all proposals, reviewer’s evaluations, and advisory panel grading/ranking files on a secured website on the GIF portal.
Read MoreMembers of the GIF Scientific Council meet for a full day of deliberations to prepare recommendations for funding proposals.
The recommendations of the GIF Scientific Council are presented to the full GIF Board of Governors for discussion and final decision for funding at the official GIF Board meeting.
The number of grants approved each year is determined by the availability of funds.
The decisions of the GIF Board are final and not subject to change.
Notifications to full proposal applicants and their research authorities/Institutions
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Rejected proposals: Approved proposals: *All PIs who submitted a full proposal receive an email with all reviews. The identity of GIF advisors and reviewers is confidential.
Proposals not retained receive different rejection emails based on the marks obtained in the review process. Proposals who obtained excellent marks receive an email specifying it, as some home institutions reward excellent review marks even if the proposal was not approved for funding.
An award email is sent containing info to the PIs and their research authorities; the email includes the approved budget and requests for budget adjustment, if any.