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Frequently Asked Questions
The final payment will be transferred after GIF receives the joint scientific report for the last year of research.
Expenses will only be reimbursed with receipts and airfares will only be reimbursed with boarding passes.
Financial reports must be submitted even if there are no expenses for the year. In this case, parts 1 and 2 of the report must still be submitted. Part 1 should have “0” written in the expenditure column for the year and Part 2 should be signed by the PI, stamped and signed by the institutional administration, and dated.
Financial reports must be submitted separately for each year.
The reports are due two months after the end of the reporting period. For grants starting regularly in January, the reporting period is January – December, and the reporting due date end of February of the following year. Delayed grant starts delay reporting periods and due dates accordingly, e.g. grant start in July shifts the reporting period to July – June and the due date to end of August. IMPORTANT: The date relevant for reporting is the official grant starting date, not the date when the research work or expenditures actually start.
With the introduction of the new Nexus program, GIF will no longer publish RFPs in recurring submission cycles by research area. The submission cycles will be replaced by focal topics, which will be chosen by the GIF Board each year and published in the yearly call for proposals.
No, the new Nexus program replaces the GIF Regular Program and the GIF Young Scientists’ Program. It offers a single unified program to fund early career scientists and established researchers in parallel tracks.