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FUB-HUJI Digital Humanities Winterschool

Workshop Details
- 27 Februar- 1 March 2023
- Jerusalem, Israel
Scientific Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Renana Keydar, HUJI
- Prof. Dr. Eliese-Sophia Lincke, FUB
- Dr. Barak Sober, HUJI
- Dr. Dennis Mischke, FUB
Funded by the German Israeli Foundation (GIF) and the German U15 Network the Hebrew University of Jerusalem הַאוּנִיבֶרְסִיטָה הַעִבְרִית בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם (HUJI) and the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) are hosting a joint DH Winterschool.
The term Digital Humanities (DH) refers to the utilization of computational tools (from off-the-shelf software to specifically tailored algorithms) to enrich traditional research and develop new and cutting-edge methods in the humanities. In recent years, DH snowballed from being a technical-methodological supplement to extant research in the humanities to an independent discipline that corresponds with and challenges the knowledge and methodologies in traditional research areas in the humanities. As such, DH redefines the investigated objects and how we understand them, be it text, map, physical artifacts, handwriting, corpus, language, sound, or image. In addition, the last decade saw a flourish of DH in the various universities having dedicated conferences, journals, associations, and teaching programs.
In this winter school, students will be presented with various aspects of DH of different traditional disciplines. Participants will acquire basic skills in available DH-related software, learn about cutting-edge projects from recent years and, get an in-depth understanding of how these projects were conducted, meet other graduate students interested in DH from the various institutions in Israel and Germany.